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Buying a home in California remains difficult even for well-earning residents

More than 40 years after Gov. Jerry Brown created the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA), many of the state’s families still find it difficult, if not impossible, to afford a home. The agency was and is geared toward low- and moderate-income families. According to its records, however, only 124 households earning more than $100,000 obtained a loan through CalHFA in fiscal year 2016.

Rural homelessness in California, particularly among youth, on the rise

Rural youth homelessness, according to government records, is on the rise in California. The California Department of Education (DOE) reports that the while the number of homeless young people increased 20 percent statewide from 2014 to 2016, the rate of young homeless people in many rural areas jumped more significantly.

Network News June 2018

On a sunny fall day, Santos Obedoza approaches a fire hydrant on the Upper Lake Rancheria here in Northern California. With wrench in hand, he gingerly begins turning the hydrant’s lock and valve to open and flush them. In minutes, the water gushes across the road.