Are you looking for financing options for affordable housing, environmental infrastructure, community facilities or a small business? Our Loan Fund is a financial resource for rural communities, providing gap financing, acquisition financing and other loans that conventional markets traditionally neglect. RCAC is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) with high rating from the independent Aeris Rating service.

Our team is easy to work with and provides quick turnaround on applications, and our loans can be tailored to fit your specific needs. We work with large and small organizations. Give us a call for an informal discussion about your specific needs. Our rates and terms are very competitive but vary by program.

Our loans cover four program areas:

Affordable Housing — Financing to help developers build single-family, multifamily affordable housing units and manufactured housing communities for low-income families. We provide short-term loans for land acquisition, predevelopment and construction to support affordable housing efforts.

Environmental Infrastructure — Loans to construct, improve or expand the supply of safe drinking water, waste disposal, solid waste and storm drainage systems. We offer construction loans and gap financing to maintain cash flow while grant funded projects await government funding disbursements and small (up to $100,000) capital needs long-term loans.

Community Facilities — Financing to construct or improve essential community facilities. Eligible projects include health care facilities, public facilities, community support services, public safety services, educational services, utility services and local food systems.

Small Businesses — This program offers short-term loans for working capital and lines of credit as well as long-term loans for real estate and equipment. RCAC’s business loans are tailored to the needs of the particular business with flexible terms and requirements.

For more information about any of these programs, download this Loan Fund programs at a glance flyer and/or contact the loan officer in your area:

  • Northern CA and AK – John Weidemaier (530) 741-2227
  • Southern CA and HI – Mike Carnes (559) 802-3381
  • WA, OR, WY, ID, MT – Chuck Miller (360) 558-2307
  • AZ, NM, NV, UT, CO – Darryl English (435) 640-9770
  • Or, call RCAC’s main office at (916) 447-9832 and ask for Loan Fund.