House under constructionBy Elizabeth Zach, RCAC staff writer

While many Californians think that their state could solve the affordable housing crisis by just ramping up construction, others blame a lack of rent control, not enough funding for affordable homes and too strict environmental controls.

For the most part, residents did not blame local government. Only 9 percent faulted overly restrictive zoning ordinances for the shortage.

Carolyn Coleman, executive director of the League of California Cities, told Fox & Hounds, “This affirms what has been true for many years,” Coleman said, adding that state officials might view mayors and city councils as essential partners in fixing California’s housing problems instead of competing for power. “Residents,” she said, “put most of their trust and faith in local leaders to address these issues.”

Other reasons California residents cited for the housing crisis are foreign investors and a rich tech industry that has driven up housing prices.

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