West Sacramento, Calif. — Rural Community Assistance Corporation’s (RCAC) Loan Fund launched the Idaho State Revolving Fund – Household Septic System Program to provide low-interest loans and grants to Idaho homeowners to refurbish or replace individual septic systems.
Homeowners who need to repair or replace failing septic systems may qualify for up to $15,000 in either grant or loan funds. Income and other restrictions apply. The residence must be located in a rural area, town or community with a population below 50,000 in the state of Idaho. Applicants must own and occupy the home served by the septic system to be renovated or replaced. New home construction and systems that serve other than a homeowner occupied dwelling are not eligible.
This loan and grant program is supported by a grant from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
Interested applicants should contact Cyndy Elliott, RCAC loan officer, celliott@rcac.org, or (209) 576-0430 or (209) 402-4342.
Founded in 1978, RCAC provides training, technical and financial resources and advocacy so rural communities can achieve their goals and visions. RCAC serves rural communities in 13 western states and western Pacific islands. Services are available to communities with populations of fewer than 50,000, other nonprofit groups, Tribal organizations, farmworkers, colonias and other specific populations. RCAC staff provides direct services in collaboration with local and community partnerships in three program areas: affordable housing, environmental services, and lending. RCAC provides loans, including small business loans, technical and economic development assistance to rural communities and nonprofit organizations in its service region. To find out more about RCAC’s Loan Fund products, visit https://www.rcac.org/programs-services/