b'RCACs wide array of environmental programs make rural water, waste-water and solid waste systems sustainable. Critical training, technical and financial assistance ensure that systems stay in compliance with state and federal regulations. During 2019, technical assistance providers (TAPs) worked with more than 500 systems to help them comply with regulations. Training is a key element to ensure that water boards, operators and staff have the most up to date knowledge they need to properly manage their systems; and more than 6,700 participants attended RCACs trainings during 2019. RCACs TAPs also worked with system boards and staff to access $67 million for water and wastewater projects that will serve nearly 45,000 households. Of note, this includes a $172,000 grant to provide planning assistance to Par-adise, California as it recovers from the 2018 Camp Fire. RCAC staff will work with Paradise to develop a municipal sewer system to replace the private septic systems that served the community before the fire.'