b'Diversity, Equity and inclusionIn 2020, the global pandemic shone an even brighter lightThe DEI Committee held its first question and answer on inequities that existed in the United States long beforesession with staff during the Annual Summit, our all-staff COVID-19 arrived. While the virus itself knows no race orconference. It was so successful that the committee cre-nationality, it nonetheless disproportionately impactedated a series of listening sessions, which served as open Indigenous communities, Black Americans and Latinforums where staff could candidly explore the social, Americans. It also highlighted disparities for low-incomeeconomic, and political issues that affect our communities communities, such as access to health care, affordableand our own staff. housing and employment. Staff submitted several questions on microagressions, At RCAC, building a culture of openness and inclusivity iswhich was the topic of the committees first session. The integral to our work, and understanding the history andDEI Committee will hold similar sessions every couple of recognizing the everyday realities of the communities wemonths during the coming years.serve is more important than ever. RCACs Diversity, Equi- RCAC also continued its efforts to increase diversity ty & Inclusion (DEI) Committee took on multiple challeng- among our staff and board by attracting and retaining es in a year that presented more than its fair share.exceptionally talented people who reflect the commu-RCAC watched the events surrounding George Floydsnities that we serve. The DEI Committee recognizes that death and heard the names Ahmaud Arbery, Breonnathe work is never finished, and instead strives for constant Taylor, Sean Reed, Tony McDade, Adrian Medearis, Oscarimprovement through reflection and open conversation. Grant and all who have lost their lives. Amidst feelings of outrage and sadness, RCAC gave financial support to several organizations that work for racial justice and help fight against systemic racism and police brutality. RCAC made an initial investment to the groups listed below and pledged to contribute more.American Civil Liberties UnionEqual Justice InitiativeNational Association for theBlack Lives MatterGeorge Floyds Family GoFundMe Advancement of Colored PeopleBlack Visions Collective I Run With MaudThe Okra Project Campaign ZeroKnow Your Rights CampReclaim The BlockCommunities United AgainstMinnesota Freedom Fund Police BrutalityRCAC Annual Report | 5'