b'RCAC created its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee in 2015. Our board, senior leadership and staff are committed to building a diverse equita-ble and inclusive workplace. That commitment infuses all aspects of our work, internally with our teams and externally with our communities and partners. Our commitment goes beyond numbers, projects or programs, to ensure that everyone has a voice and is included in decision making. We value the strength, resilience, cultural richness and pride that our communities repre-sent. But we cannot do our daily work in a vacuum, ignoring the factors that lead to the very challenges we need to resolve: unemployment, unsafe drink-ing water and sanitation, inadequate housing and homelessness, which both cause and are the result of poverty. We have long prided ourselves on our passion for rural, Tribal and Native communities and we acknowledge that passion must include compassion, honesty, humility and an ongoing journey toward cultural competency. The DEI committee, made up of representatives from across the organiza-tion, implements the DEI strategic plan. We recognize that this work is never finished, but requires ongoing reflection, conversation and devotion to our corporate values.'