I just have a quick question about the Unnumbered Letter from April 15 regarding self-help grantees and certified loan application packagers/intermediaries ordering appraisals. Does the appraiser have to be on the Rural Development approved list of appraisers?


Temporarily Confused

Dear Temporarily Confused,

The appraisers do not need to be on any Rural Development state’s approved list(s). They need to be licensed, follow Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and Agency appraisal standards, etc. but there is no requirement to have any prior Rural Development approval.

Linked below is the Temporary Authorization in its entirety with the details and requirements for your reference. Keep in mind the borrower or the grantee (depending on who paid) will not be reimbursed for the appraisal fee if the loan does not go through. If you choose this route, it may be wise to check with your appraiser and see if they might be able to change the name on the appraisal later for a lesser fee if the participants change.


Dear Sher is a regular Self Help Builder News feature. If you have a question you would like answered or researched by Sher, please send it to asisco@rcac.org and your question may be featured in a future publication.