West Sacramento, Calif. — The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded a $2,325,000 grant to Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) through the Rural Capacity Building (RCB) program for fiscal years 2021-22.

The RCB program is designed to bolster the capacity of rural housing developers, Community Development Corporations (CDCs), Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), rural local governments and Tribal entities to implement affordable housing and community development projects. The federal program aims to benefit low- and moderate-income families and individuals by broadening their access to safe and affordable housing.

This grant enables RCAC to deepen its collaborative work and continue building partner organizations’ capacity to serve low- and moderate-income populations across the rural West. The funding will be directed toward enhancing affordable housing development; improving environmental infrastructure; stimulating economic and leadership development; and delivering a comprehensive array of services to rural and Indigenous communities.

“HUD’s ongoing support for RCAC reaffirms our joint commitment to bettering rural communities’ living conditions and ensuring they have equitable access to housing and other essential resources,” said Suzanne Anarde, RCAC Chief Executive Officer. “We look forward to channeling these funds toward creating transformative, beneficial impacts in these historically overlooked and underserved communities.”

Founded in 1978, RCAC seeks to collaboratively build the capacity of organizations that serve low-income people living in the rural West (13 states including Alaska and Hawaii). RCAC works in partnership with small rural and Indigenous communities and other local agencies to provide tools and resources necessary to improve their quality of life. RCAC offers a wide range of services to communities with fewer than 50,000 people including technical assistance and training for environmental infrastructure; affordable housing development; economic and leadership development; and financing to support community development. Since its inception, RCAC’s dedicated staff and active board have helped affect positive change in rural and Indigenous communities across the West.

To learn more about RCAC, visit http://www.rcac.org

Media contact:
Julia Helmreich, director
Communications and Development
(916) 529-7563 (Cell)