Where: Fielding, Box Elder County, Utah

Problem: Community water systems face challenges accessing funds for essential utility improvements that protect public health.

Solution: Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) provides technical assistance, guides communities through the regionalization process and helps them access grant funding.

M&J Mobile Home Park is a very low-income community of about 22 people in Fielding, Box Elder County, Utah. M&J’s public water system serves 17 connections, all but one of which are mobile homes.

RCAC began working with M&J Mobile Home Park in fall 2017. A Utah Division of Drinking Water (DDW) “Do Not Use” order was in effect due to high arsenic levels and the system was at risk of contamination. A consulting engineer determined a large capital project was needed to bring the system back into compliance. The park applied for a Federal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) grant in November 2018 but was denied. RCAC continued assisting M&J after this setback while exploring potential regional solutions. RCAC facilitated regular meetings with regional stakeholders where several options were investigated, including connecting with a neighboring water system or treating the existing well.

In fall 2021, RCAC continued working with DDW and M&J to investigate potential interconnections with Ukon Water Company and update the Compliance Agreement Enforcement Order (CA/EO). M&J submitted a revised SRF application, which was approved in June 2022. The approved application includes a $1.54 million funding package for a water line extension from Ukon to M&J Mobile Home Park and comes with $1.36 million in principal forgiveness, leaving $300,000 to be repaid over 30 years at 0 percent interest.

Much remains to be done, but the community and RCAC achieved an important breakthrough in a five-year project to secure an enduring, affordable regional solution that ensures residents have safe drinking water for years to come.