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Based on “Dear Sher”.

Dear Sher

I am working on packaging a 502 loan application that has significant student loan debt but the applicant is on an Income Driven Repayment Plan, how do I handle this in my Total Debt (TD) calculations?

Dear Sher

So … I am wondering if you could review the above credit report and tell me what you think. According . . .

Dear Sher

I work with a really conservative Rural Development Loan Officer and as a result am really cautious about what I submit. But, with the addition of “significant delinquencies” in the regs, it looks like this one’s potentially a good package, but one that I wouldn’t normally submit. I was wondering, do you agree?

Dear Sher

My state has not allowed married individuals to apply for Section 502 loans separately and has required they either both be on the loan or they can’t be approved. With the new changes to HB 3550 it sounds like I can now have just one person of a married couple apply; how do I do this?

Dear Sher

Every year I struggle to come up with new and interesting approaches to celebrating Homeownership Month and getting participants, community . . .