Are your SHARES reports not adding up correctly? Does it show twice as many units than you actually have? Or does it show fewer units that you actually have?
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Based on “Shares Tips”.
SHARES training coming in 2021
We are happy to announce two upcoming SHARES training webinars! Our first training will be focused on reviewing SHARES basics, a full breakdown of grant files, borrower files and reports. In this training you will learn how to enter a new grant, enter a new borrower, and run basic reports.
Nancy’s SHARES tidbits
Some of you took advantage of the updated method to print your SHARES report on TWO pages versus SIX. Whether you have or you haven’t, you’ll want to use this newer, updated version for printing out your reports. Thanks to Jason Stillwell of Little Dixie, you’ll save paper and ink and see some extra features on your reports.
SHARES tidbits
To conduct official business transactions via the Internet with USDA Rural Development you’ll need access to their secure system. eAuthentication or eAuth Level 2 must be applied for and approved prior to accessing Rural Development forms, using the Mutual Self-Help SHARES reporting system and submitting 502 Loan Packages electronically.
New method for printing SHARES reports
By Nancy Jacobsen, rural development specialist A new technique is available to print SHARES reports in a condensed format. SHARES . . .